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Irigani Keep

Material Conversion Designs sells Morphs to craft Wind Motes which is a material; as well as the Morph method for the eternal extendable weapons, eternal armor, and accessories. 5m kinah for the morphs and can only use the recipe once.
Field Crafting Material Merchant sells Razor Crystal crafting mat.
General Goods Merchant sells Idas Pendant.
Consumable Item Distributor sells AP consumables.

Windswept Camp
Ceramium Trade Administrator exchanges 10 Fragmented Ceramium for a chance at a Ceramium Medal.
Silus Fortress Teleporter.
General Goods Merchant sells Idium Rod.

Broken Cliff Camp
Balic Design Merchant sells Balic designs for Divine Balaur Hearts.
Material Conversion Designs sells Morph Methods for Wind breath material and Wind Eternity mat.
Decorative Accents sells ap accessories at a cheaper cost. 1,717,538 for neck i.e.
General Goods Merchant sells Idella Fragments
Idian Depths Teleporter

Sillus Pass Watchpost
Stigma Vendor to sell YOUR old greater stigmas(60 and below) for ap.
Field Achievement Steward sells Vanquisher's Box (10 Counqueror's marks) Noble Vanquisher's Box (70 Counqueror's marks), and Brilliant Vanquisher's Box (280 Counqueror's marks). These boxes contain Eternal class equipment or a consumables.
General Goods Merchant sells Idium Plate's, a material for crafting.

Crumbling Redoubt
Material Conversion Designs sells Morphs to craft Fire Motes which is a material; as well as the Morph method for the eternal extendable weapons, eternal armor, and accessories. 5m kinah for the morphs and can only use the recipe once.
Consumable Item Distributor sells ap consumables for less ap.

Two Vigils Outpost

Battlefield Equipment Vendor to trade in Blood Mark gear for AP.
General Goods Merchant sells Idella Textile.

Emerald Meadow
Stigma Tuner to buy caster class greater stigmas at a reduced price.
General Goods Merchant sells Idas Rod.

Stonewatch Rampart
Field armor distributer sells ap gear at reduced price.
Ceramium Medal Steward give one Mithril Medal and one Noble Balaur Serum (5k ap each) to get a Ceramium Medal at a very low rate. I didnt get a single one out of 25 attempts, remember the coin fountain? Yeah...
General Goods Merchant sells Idella Powder.
AP consumable vendor.

Starlit Grove
Combat Manual Steward selling class skill books, each costs 40 blood marks and can only buy 1 of each.

Earthshaped Promontory
Battlefield Equipment Vendor, can sell YOUR blood mark gear to him for ap.
Also has a quest for to obtain a Joyful Wing Coupon, just need Blood Marks to turn in.

Silona Cascade Overlook
Fortress Crest Trader im not really sure why you'd want to trade two fort crest types for of of another but there is a vendor for it!
Field Design Merchant sells the non balic eternal master craft recipes.

Soaring ArchWays Rampart
Sauro Military Supply Base entrance.
Abyss Equipment Vendor to sell your ap gear back for AP.
Legion Warehouse and Warehouse.
General Goods Merchant sells Idella Elemental Water.
Idian Depths Entrance to Tower Mausoleum area.

Eldris Valley Campsite
Field Weapon Distributor sells ap weapons at a cheaper cost.
143 medals 1,889,257 ap 1 star weapon.
51 medals 2,748.011 general weapon.
Ceramium Trade Administrator has quest to trade 10 Fragmented Ceramium in for a chance at a ceramium medal.

Icethorn Frontier Outpost
Special Morph Distributor sells Morph designs to make Danuar Reliquary, and Infinity Shard entry keys.
New Stigma Tuner sells physical greater stigmas for less ap.
Legion Warehouse and Warehouse.

Desolation's Edge
Combat Manual Steward selling class skill books, each costs 40 blood marks and can only buy 1 of each.
Aether Trader to trade in gathered Ide for Ancient Aether.




Physical Attack        4 points     30 min     Conide

Once SoulLess, Always SoulLess

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